Inflation Factors and Honey Prices

The large commercial beekeepers use the price of fuel for their barometer on honey prices. Fuel prices are up and now honey prices are up. Along with this, US honey producers won a lawsuit against cheap imports from 6 other countries that had been flooding US markets keeping prices down. The factors are many which include the cost of production, labor, fuel, supply shortages due to drought in some areas and demand. Covid issues has had an effect on supply chain issues. I choose to be a beekeeper partly because honey doesn’t spoil and keeps for a long time. Some jars are up more than 100% with many up 50% and everywhere in between. Al Bees is in the same boat as my customers with regards to all of these inflation factors. Staying in business one has to balance all these factors and variables in making a living. My point being that costs are going up and that will get passed on to the consumer but will work to minimize the cost increases. We are a small operation but will do my best to provide honey going forward. If you can, think about being a beekeeper as a hobby because nothing better than local honey from your own hives.

Albert Sindlinger